I Am My Father's Son

USMLE Step 1 Qbank question that I got today:
A 3-year-old girl is brought to the physician for a well child examination.  She was born at term after an uncomplicated pregnancy.  Physical findings show no abnormalities.  She rides a tricycle, can build a tower of 8 blocks, and speaks in sentences.  Which of the following is an accurate assessment of this patient's condition?

My thought process:
Riding a tricycle at the age of three seems normal.  Only speaking in sentences?  Well, I guess that's okay.  Wait... she can only stack a tower of 8 blocks??  I started playing piano at that age!

My conclusion:
Normal gross motor, delayed fine motor, and normal language development

Well, apparently she had actually met the appropriate developmental milestones in all three categories.  It looks like one day (hopefully years from now), when I'm a father, I'm going to be just the kind of Asian parent I hoped I'd never become but secretly always knew I would.  NOW GO PRACTICE FANTASIE IMPROMPTU TWELVE MORE TIMES, SEVEN-YEAR-OLD SAM, JR.!


Grace said...

hilarious, sam. :)

Anonymous said...

Ummm, pretty sure it says right there on your explanation that she has DELAYED fine motor development. Back to the books for you, young man.

Jeff and Jing said...
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Jeff said...

You should've known it was describing a caucasian female. We asians run on a different developmental time line.

Piano by age 1, Czerny by age 2, Bach by age 3, Chopin by age 4, by age 5 we've all been on the NPR show.
