Nap Attack

I had to leave class after the first Microbiology lecture because it was literally the worst.  And I really mean it this time.  I just could not handle hearing about C1qs or C2as or C4b2as or C3bBbs anymore.  Instead, I opted to take a nice, hour-long nap at the library, during which I had yet another frighteningly vivid dream.

This one started out as a movie.  It even had the Paramount logo at the beginning, with the 22 stars flying towards the pyramidal mountain.  This was followed by an extremely cheesy opening credits sequence which culminated in the title of the film: Girls and Om Nom Noms.  I kid you not.  I can't recall the details of the dream, but I remember it involved me, well, pursuing girls and om nom noms.  Seriously, is everybody else's subconscious as weird as mine is??

EDIT: It's C3bBb, not C3Bb.  Thanks for the catch, Sunny.

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