That Was Confusing

At the beginning of each Biochemistry unit, we get a several hundred page course packet that contains all of the notes for the upcoming lectures. The binding on my first packet barely lasted a month before it fell apart, and I was forced to scrap the whole thing, hole punch the sheets, and keep them in a three ring binder.

We just got our new course packet yesterday, so I went to Staples to purchase a new binder. I decided to hole punch the notes at the copy center instead of doing it at home, but what I didn't realize was that I was standing behind a counter wearing a red polo and khakis. Suddenly, customers started coming up to me and asking questions about purchasing printer ink and recycling used cartridges and faxing services and I don't even know what else. In typical Sam fashion, I blacked out within seconds and resorted to my usual mechanism of defense: deny, deny, deny! Thank goodness an actual employee was nearby and fielded the questions before I started screaming at the top of my lungs like a little girl.

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