A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

Back when I was applying to medical school, I remember receiving a letter from UVA outlining exactly what they needed in order to complete my file. This list included a passport-size photo, which I assumed would be used by the Admissions Office in order to put a face to all of the applicants' names. Instead, I found out that these photos were all uploaded to the online Student Directory, where they could be accessed by every student and faculty member. Naturally, the majority of these pictures were absolutely absurd. My really pale skin and huge, cheesy grin made me look like a clown; Riel's beard made him look like a terrorist; and Matt's over-the-shoulder stare made him look like a glamor model.

I just checked the Student Directory for the first time in several weeks, and I was shocked to learn that the Powers That Be had switched out our awful photos and replaced them with the photos on our Health Sciences ID badges. Our class is beautiful again!

Speaking of bad photos, I just stumbled across Mug Shot du Jour. I've already bookmarked the website, and for good reason.

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