Skull and Bones

George and I cut off Henrietta's skull today and EXPOSED HER BRAIN!! Psychedelic, dude! In spite of the awful smell of sawing through bone, I had an awesome time. I freaked out a few times (what else is new), but everything went really smoothly for us. Well, as long as you ignore the part where George cut our TA Eric's finger and the part where I sawed too deep and released some of Henrietta's brain juices. Schwhoopsies! The whole procedure took about an hour and fifteen minutes, and all I could think about the whole time were (1) what I would do if Henrietta started screaming all of a sudden and (2) Jack Handey.

"When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did was call the police. But then I got curious about it. I picked it up, and started wondering who this person was, and why he had deer horns." -Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts

1 comment:

Catmo said...

what about the sticks and stones and weed and bombs?